About Talk Sea Fishing

Talk Sea Fishing is the home of sea fishing online. We provide up to date guides on how to fish, entertaining articles and busy forum boards, where you can post your catch reports. This Newsletter aims to give you the very best of Talk Sea Fishing, each week - showcasing new articles, articles of interest for the time of year and any other news and gossip from the world of sea fishing.

Our long-term aim is to provide the most comprehensive guide to sea angling in the UK. Using our extensive content network to build long-form articles that describe the best techniques and tactics to get the most from your sea fishing. Our aim, to produce an encyclopaedic database for everything sea angling!

In addition to our How To Guides, we’ll be producing regular features from our travels across the UK, Ireland and beyond. Focusing on a blend of shore and boat fishing articles, written to encourage our readers to get out there and sample everything that’s great about sea angling!

Our Gear Guide will bring you information on new and past products, giving comprehensive information to help you buy your next bit of kit. Not only will we be looking at products, we’ll also be giving sneak previews too. Product Showcases that give you the low down on up and coming kit.

Finally, our new forums provide the best place to post up your catch reports and ask advice on tackle, tactics and everything else sea angling. While Facebook is great for catching up with families, checking out what your mates are doing down the pub or what the guy next door is having for his Sunday roast, we think there is a better medium to post your reports!

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Sea Angling Website covering the UK, Ireland and further afield!


Sea Angling Website covering the UK, Ireland and further afield!